This web page provides links to writing by Lindo Bacon selected to support Health at Every Size® advocates. To find much more extensive writing that Lindo has conducted on these topics and more, visit the topics resources page and read Lindo’s books. Thank you for the important work you do.
Weight Science (Peer-Reviewed)
- Bacon, L., & Aphramor, L. Weight Science: Evaluating the Evidence for a Paradigm Shift This is the premiere article that has up-ended thinking about weight. Includes all the arguments that support a paradigm shift, meticulously referenced. In academic voice.
Health at Every Size principles
- Body Respect Book Introduction (co-authored with Lucy Aphramor) The book Body Respect is changing the weight discourse and has galvanized the body positive movement. Learn how and why in this engaging introduction.
- The HAES Manifesto The Health at Every Size Manifesto, reproduced from Linda's groundbreaking book. Summarizes hot topics and the need for a paradigm shift. A must-have for everyone's library.
- Moving On: From Weight to What Matters We lose out when we view life through a weight lens. It's not just misinformed, but damaging. Reconsider the evidence. Change your paradigm. Regain your self-trust and joy.
- "Everyone Knows Obesity is Hurting Us," But is the Fight Against Obesity the Problem? Tune out the loud "everyone knows" claims about obesity, shape and diet and challenge the health "experts". It's our obsession over body fat that s a costly, crippling threat to health and well-being.
Weight Stigma
- Stress Mess: How "Fighting Fat" Makes People Sick Public health interventions promoting weight-loss fail to account for "social determinants" such as socioeconomic status and are not scientifically sound. The stress resulting from stigmatization in the name of health causes ill health.
- the HAES® files: There Is No Social Justice without Bodies Being less likely to be hired or get promotions, being paid less, receiving less adequate medical treatment, being socially excluded, bullied and targeted in derogatory comments: these are the consequences of the "war against obesity".
Worksite Wellness
- The HAES Files: De-Stigmatizing Our Workplaces - A Start Dump worksite obesity prevention programs. Here's a step-by-step plan to challenge stigmatizing messages in your company, and propose criteria for more respectful work places.
- The HAES Files: Obamacare's Misfire on Weight - New Workplace Provisions that Deserve a Pink Slip Governmental policies and programs, such as certain provisions in the Affordable Care Act as well as anti-obesity campaigns, can help spread fat stigma and prejudice in the workplace resulting in harm to employees.
Managing Resistance and Cultivating Resilience
- For People Who Consider Size Acceptance Dangerous Hounding people to lose weight is not just ineffective, it's damaging. People make better self-care choices when they start from body appreciation, not from a drive to change their body.
- Final Words: For Health Professionals Resistant to Health at Every Size Dropping a weight focus runs counter to much of what we're taught as health professionals. But here's why you should listen to the naysayers anyway.
- 11 Reasons Your ‘Concern’ for Fat People’s Health Isn’t Helping Anyone "I'm just concerned about their health." How many times have you heard this? Linda Bacon and Melissa Fabello help you understand what is really being said and why its not helpful.
- The Resilient Practitioner: Strategies for Managing Resistance to Size Acceptance Destabilizing the status quo of size acceptance can come with some uncomfortable consequences, but using the power of resilience can help advocates grow and become stronger.
- The HAES Files: Notes to Myself - Finding Hope in Difficult Times Dr. Linda Bacon reflects on her experience as a debate speaker at the 2011 American Dietetic Association's annual Conference. Provides hope and inspiration for managing resistance and developing resilience.