Content Warning: The below articles may not represent Lindo’s views.
- 11/14/2021, Newsbreak, Weight Bias Makes Health Care Unequal. Here’s How to Unlearn It, by Sheryl Huggins Salomon
- 9/30/2021, Science News, Weight shaming is literally sickening, by Bethany Brookshire
- 8/2/2021, Fox11 News, Dr. Lindo Bacon talks about Shaping a Culture of Empathy with host Michaela Pereira (video)
- 7/31/2021, BEM Notícias, Opinião: Obesidade não deveria ser considerada doença (in Portuguese)
- 7/26/2021, Good Housekeeping, What Is the Health at Every Size Movement?, by BY VIRGINIA SOLE-SMITH
- 3/26/2021, Washington Post, Krispy Kreme’s ‘sweet’ vaccine promotion leads to bitter Twitter war, by Angela Haupt
- 3/19/2021, Idealist, Fatphobia and Fat Activism in Social-Impact Spaces, by Amy Bergen
- 3/15/2021, The Atlantic, I Want to Look Damn Good When the World Sees Me Again, by Saahil Desai
- 3/15/2021, GQ, Everyone Hates BMI. Why Does it Have Such Staying Power?, by Danielle Cohen
- 2/4/2021, Eating Disorder Hope, Body Acceptance and Redefining Self-Worth: Learning to Embrace Your Body, by Staff Contributor at Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center
- 2/2/2021, NC Health News, Fat bias at the doctor’s office takes a serious toll, by Liora Engel-Smith
- 1/11/2021, Seattle Times, ‘Belonging’ has more to do with your health than you might think, by Carrie Dennett
- 1/8/2021, Good Housekeeping, The Real Reason You Can’t Lose Weight: It’s not you. It’s biology, by Marisa Cohen
- 12/14/2020, Salon, Thinsplaining is real: Science says permanent weight loss is rare, and thin people don’t get it, by Matthew Rozsa
- 11/9/2020, MSN, The ‘Health at Every Size’ Philosophy Aims To Make Health Care More Inclusive of Larger-Sized Bodies, by Christine Byrne
- 9/2020, Experience L!fe, 7 Reasons to Stop Yo-Yo Dieting, by Mo Perry
- 8/24/2020, CBS News, The problem with BMI: Why this simple system for measuring obesity is so controversial, by Taylor Mooney
- 7/22/2020, Jackson Hole News & Guide, Enough with the war on our bodies, by Tanya Mark
- 6/9/2020, SF Chronicle, Fear of the ‘quarantine 15’ speaks to deeper anxieties, by Soleil Ho
- 5/29/2020, Self, Weight and COVID-19: What Does the Research Actually Tell Us?, by Sarah Jacoby
- 5/1/2020, Washington Post, Thinking about your weight? What you might be getting wrong about the Health at Every Size approach, by Carrie Dennett
- 4/29/2020, Health, The CDC Says ‘Severely Obese’ People Are at Greater Risk for COVID-19 Complications—but Are They Really?, by Kasandra Brabaw
- 4/17/2020, Wired, Covid-19 Does Not Discriminate by Body Weight, by Christy Harrison
- 4/10/2020, Allure, It’s OK If Your Body Changes During Quarantine, by Marie Southard Ospina
- 3/26/2020, Outside Magazine, There Are No Winners with ‘The Biggest Loser’, by Nick Heil
- 1/30/2020, MSN, ‘I was denied NHS treatment because my BMI was too high’, by Sarah Graham
- 1/28/2020, Think, ‘The Biggest Loser’ is back on TV. Get ready for ramped-up fat-shaming and dangerous diets, by Kate Bernyk
- 12/16/19, MSN, How Health At Every Size Is Trying to Change the Way We Think About Weight and Wellness, by Sunny Sea Gold
- 8/18/19, Yahoo News, ‘This is sick’: Weight loss app for children sparks outrage
- 7/30/19, Diet Spotlight, 11 Habits Science Links to Longevity – 12 Things You Need to Know, by Summer Banks
- 6/26/19, Blood + Milk, Healthcare for Larger Bodies: Advocating for Yourself When Your Doctor Won’t, by Aly Semigran
- 6/23/19, New York Times Magazine, When You’re Told You’re Too Fat to Get Pregnant, by Virginia Sole-Smith
- 6/18/19, The Paper Gown, 1 Question, 5 Answers: How Do I Know if I’m at a Healthy Weight? By Cole Kazdin
- 6/15/19, Outside magazine, Are Eggs Bad for You? The Verdict Is Still Out, by Christine Byrne
- 6/11/19, Exhale Lifestyle, Do You Know What Healthy Really Looks Like?, by Edie Ravenelle
- 5/27/19, Vox, I’m obese. I want a healthy lifestyle. But it’s often inaccessible to disabled people like me, by Pasquale Toscano
- 4/29/19, NPR, Rethinking Weight Loss: Boost Your Body Acceptance For Better Health, by Maria Godoy (audio podcast)
- 1/17/19,, Science says you aren’t addicted to food — but you might feel like you are. Here’s why, by Emily Fonnesbeck
- 12/12/18, Forbes, Most Plus-Size Women Can’t Afford Goop’s New Collection. Here’s Why, by Virgie Tovar
- 11/30/18, Health.Com, Only 1 in 8 Americans Are Metabolically Healthy. Here’s What That Means for You, by Kasandra Brabaw
- 10/29/18, Medical Bag, Is Weight Stigma Worse Than Obesity? How to Provide More Compassionate Care, by Tori Rodriguez
- 7/10/18, Tab, HAJA SAÚDE Como o medo da obesidade e a pressão pelo emagrecimento podem nos deixar mais doentes e insatisfeitos (How the fear of obesity and the pressure for weight loss can make us sicker and more dissatisfied (article in Portuguese), by Mirella Nascimento
- 6/26/18, Self, The Science on Weight and Health, by Sarah Jacoby
- 6/15/18, Healthline, For Many People, Especially Women — Weight Loss Is Not a Happy Ending, by Juli Fraga
- 5/16/18, Tonic, The Whole30 Won’t Fix Your Relationship With Food, by Franzi Ross and Isabelle Ross
- 4/24/18, DietSpotlight, 11 Habits Science Links to Longevity – 12 Things You Need to Know, by Meg Dowell
- 3/9/18, Healthline, My Doctor Fat-Shamed Me — And I’m Not the Only One, by Marie Southard Ospina
- 2/8/18, The Uniter, Confronting Weight Stigma: Institutional sizeism affects Manitobans, by Charls Morin
- 1/1/18, Self Magazine, How to Eat Healthy: 25 Easy Ways to Eat Healthier Every Day, by Marisa Cohen
- 12/27/17, Women’s Health, You’ll Be Seeing More Body Types In Our Workout Stories—Here’s Why, by Amy Keller Laird
- 12/26/17, Mic, We don’t need a ”new skinny”, we need to obliterate beauty standards altogether, by Melissa A. Fabello
- 12/20/17, US News & World Report, 8 Genius Responses to Family Members’ Comments About Your Body, by Anna Medaris Miller
- 11/12/17, Yale News, Unseen Cuts, by Daisy Massey
- 8/2/17, New York Times, Losing It in the Anti-Dieting Age, by Tammy Brodesser-Akner
- 7/18/17, Self, The Shocking Ways Large Women Are Mistreated by Health-Care Providers, by Kelly Coffey
- 7/3/17, A Little of a Lot (Korean radio), Interview with Linda Bacon
- 5/9/17, Refinery 29, How Do Doctors View The Body Positivity Movement?, by Eleanor Jones
- 4/25/17, Cosmo Happy Hour, #9: The Reality of the Before & After Photo”, with hosts Elisa Benson and Elizabeth Narins
- 1/1/17, The Keto Diet Podcast, Your Weight: An Interview with Dr. Linda Bacon, by Leanne Vogel
- 9/29/16, Fortune, Donald Trump’s Fat Shaming Reflects Weight-Based Prejudice in the Workplace, by Kristen Bahler
- 9/18/16, BBC News, Should Donald Trump’s weight be an election issue?, by Brian Wheeler
- 7/6/16, California Magazine, Campaign for Fat Acceptance: Big Girls Do Cry, but They Grow Up and Fight Back, by Katherine Seligman
- 7/8/16, Natural Health Radio, The Noble Art of Well-Being, with Linda Bacon, Interviewed by Donna Noble
- 5/4/16, Refinery 29, A Totally Shame-Free Guide To Your Body Fat, by Hallie Levine
- 3/9/16, The Inquirer, Pretty Does Hurt, by Chelsey Schallig
- 2/26/16, Women’s Health, The Truth About Whether ‘Plus-Size’ Women Are Actually Unhealthy, by Christina Heiser
- 2/11/16, College Magazine, Beyonce Was Right, Pretty Does Hurt, by Denver Ellison
- 2/5/16, US News & World Report, Are Football Players Too Fat?, by Anna Medaris Miller
- 1/29/16, Ravishly: Real Feminism for Real Life, Linda Bacon And The Health At Every Size Movement, by Joni Edelman
- Winter, 2016, BP Magazine, Mindful Meals: Reset Your Eating Habits Bite by Bite, by Jessica Craft
- 1/6/16, Upworthy, Last week, Melissa Harris-Perry was “a bit distressed” by a new commercial featuring Oprah Winfrey, by Robbie Couch
- 1/6/16, Shape, What’s a Healthy Weight, Anyway? The Truth About Being Fat But Fit, by K. Aleisha Fetters
- 11/24/15, The Juicy Woman, Why Dump Dieting? Interview with Linda Bacon, by Andrea Amador (audio)
- 11/2015, Urgent Care Magazine, Tipping the Scales: When it Comes to Patients of Size, Respect is Good Business (starts on page 22), by Susan Cooper
- 11/19/15, Pscychology Today, 3 Myths About Weight and Health, Debunked, Jennifer Rollin
- 11/9/15, Delicioso, 20 Ways to Eat Healthier Right NOW!, by Chef Lynnie
- 11/9/15, Healthline News, Belly Fat Is Worse for You Than Being Obese, Researchers Say, by Roberta Alexander
- 11/9/15, Psychology Today, Research suggests that a person’s weight is not a good indicator of health, by Jennifer Rollin
- 11/5/15, Mindful Eating Summit, Mindful Eating and Weight Loss, by Susan Albers (audio)
- 10/26/15, 35 Awesome Quotes to Help Heal Your Relationship with Food & Body, by Jodie Gale
- 10/5/15, Bustle, 12 Women Who Paved The Way For Body Positivity Before It Was A Buzzword, by Marie Southard Ospina
- 9/11/15, Daily Brew, ‘Dear Fat People’ gets fat positivity and shaming all wrong, health experts say, by Sheena Goodyear
- 9/8/15, Food Psych, Overcoming Diet Struggles: An Interview with Linda Bacon, by Christy Harrison (audio)
- 9/6/15, Dr. Linda Bacon “is changing the way we view our own bodies”: An Interview, by Maddy Moon (audio)
- 7/8/15, KQED Science, Dining Out? Sit-Down Restaurants Not Necessarily Healthier Than Fast Food, by Johanna Varner
- 6/3/15, Fresh Eats Radio, Respecting Bodies, an Interview with Linda Bacon, by Heather Rampolla
- 5/20/15, SOL Nutrition, The Non-Diet Approach To Health & Life | Special Guest Interview With Dr Linda Bacon, by Christina Turner
- 5/14/15, Wellness Beyond the Scale, Interview with Rockstar Researcher Dr. Linda Bacon, by Lana (Audio)
- 5/8/15, HuffPost Live, Has Our Obsession With Weight Gone Too Far?, Hosted by Nancy Redd
- 4/29/15, A Weight Out, What Everybody’s Getting Wrong about Weight and Health!, by Ellen Shuman
- 4/8/15, Body-Wise = Perfect Size, Interviewing Professor Linda Bacon on Body Respect, Cari Corbett Owen
- 3/19/15, Raising Healthy Eaters, 5 Lessons I Vow to Teach My Children About Weight and Body Shape, by Maryann Tomovich Jacobsen
- 2/25/15, Maddy Moon, Respecting Bodies at Every Size, by Madelyn Moon
- 2/11/15, Arianna’s Random Thoughts, The Value of Moving Your Body, by Arianna Merritt
- 2/6/15, Gurze Books: Body Respect, an Interview with Linda Bacon & Lucy Aphramor
- 2/2/15, BriarPatch Magazine, Why Fat Matters: Why isn’t weight stigma seen as a social justice issue?, by Sydney Bell
- 1/29/15, Full Body Frequency, , Episode 1: A Fresh Start With Your Genes, In Your Jeans: An Interview with Linda Bacon
- 8/23/14, Signe Weighs, Blog Talk Radio: Body Respect: by Linda Bacon, interviewed by Signe Darpinian
- August, 2014, Marie Claire Magazine, Can you be Heavy and Healthy, by Virginia Sole-Smith
- 7/23/14, Yahoo! Health: Are Wedding Diets Healthy?, by Beth Greenfield
- 7/13/14, Seattle Times: Lighten up, dieters! Focus on health, not weight, by Carrie Dennett
- 5/27/14, SBS The Feed (Australian tv): Fat pride: The growing movement of people looking for fat acceptance, by Mike Clay and Nick McDougall
- 5/17/14: New York Magazine, A Non-Diet Diet: The Case for Eating Whatever You Want, by Melissa Dahl.
- 4/8/14: KTRH Radio, Is Being Fat Healthier Than You Think?, by Cliff Saunders.
- 4/3/14: Vitae, ‘I’m the Biggest Man on Campus’, by Stacey Patton.
- 3/24/14: Priory, Searching for ‘Thinspiration’ Online.
- 1/29/14: NPR, Adult Obesity May Have Origins Way Back In Kindergarten, by Rob Stein.
- Fall 2013: Naropa Magazine, Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, by Lisa Birman.
- 9/24/13: Psychology Today, For Students, Perils of Weight Bias, Anti-Obesity Programs, by Nancy Matsumoto.
- 9/15/13: Helping people access Health at Every Size, Interview with Linda Bacon, by Elyse Wagner.
- 9/16/13: National Public Radio, Calling Obesity A Disease May Make It Easier To Get Help, by Patti Neighmond.
- 7/3/13: Institute for the Psychology of Eating, Are You Spiritually Fat?, by Marc David.
- 7/16/13: the 2×2 project, The Appearance Of A Disease: Debating the AMA’s vote on obesity, by Kathleen Bachynski.
- 7/15/13: The Gazette, One size does not fit all, by June Thompson.
- 6/26/13: SF Chronicle, Debate grows over whether obesity is a disease, by Kristen V. Brown.
- 6/22/13: Orlando Sentinal, In labeling obesity a disease, AMA creates controversy, by Marni Jamison.
- 5/16/13: HuffPo Live, My Doctor Fat Shamed Me, by Nancy Redd.
- 5/2/13: The Conversation, KUOW Radio (NPR), How Common Is Weight Discrimination?, by Ross Reynolds.
- 4/21/13: TribLive (US World), Colleges fit ‘fat studies’ into curriculum, by Debra Erdley.
- May, 2013: Curve Magazine, Weighty Matters: Meet Dr. Linda Bacon, the lesbian PhD changing the way we think about health, by Molly Williams.
- 4/13: Social Work Today, Health At Every Size, by Jennifer Van Pelt.
- 3/16/13: Digital Journal, Op-Ed: Weight loss doesn’t improve health, says nutrition expert Linda Bacon, by Ernest Dempsey.
- 2/8/13: Star Ledger, Risky business: Christie claims good health, but weight could prove heavy burden, by Dan Goldberg.
- 1/31/13, WebMD, Pros, Cons of Weight Loss Reality Shows, Janet Helm.
- 1/17/13: The Wire Cutter, The Best Bathroom Scales, by Alexander George
- 11/20/12, New York Times, Racer Adds a Challenge: Obesity, Mary Pilon.
- 11/16/12, Healthline, Banned Appetite Suppressant Found in Three Weight Loss Supplements, FDA Warns, Heather Ross.
- 11/7/12, NBC News, Researchers, black bloggers, debunk women’s weight myths, Ugonna Okpalaoka.
- November 2012, Taiwan Television (in Chinese), Discrimination! Weightism, Yichun Li.
- 9/29/12, The Juicy Woman, The Juicy Woman Embraces the Health At Every Size Approach, Andrea Amador.
- 9/21/12, Loop 21, No Mirrors: Women, Could You Avoid Your Reflections for a Month?, Danielle Cheesman.
- 9/26/12, Forbes, How to Be A Shameless Woman: Making Peace With Our Bodies, Ourselves, Brooke Axtell.
- 9/17/12, NY Times, In ‘Obesity Paradox,’ Fatter May Mean Healthier, Harriet Brown.
- 8/15/12, Rachel W. Cole, What are you truly hungry for? The Well-Fed Woman: Linda Bacon, Rachel Cole.
- 8/12/12, The Sydney Morning Herald, Down with Diets, Lissa Christopher.
- July/August 2012, Utne Reader, The Weighty Effects Of Childhood Obesity, Dawn Friedman.
- July 2012, New Zealand Listener, Beat Body Anxiety. Weight Loss Myths, Joanne Black.
- July 2012, Plus Model Magazine (see page 120), Health at Every Size: An Interview with Linda Bacon, Shannon Hiett.
- June 2012, Candis Magazine, The Fit v. Fat Debate, Leah Hardy.
- 6/27/12, LA Times, Obesity screenings for all American adults? Not so fast, some say, Melissa Healy.
- 6/22/12, CNN, The 2%: When all you want to do is gain weight, Maria LaMagna.
- 6/22/12, KQED: The California Report, Plus-Size Swimmers Find Support Making Waves, Durrie Lawrence.
- 6/4/12, Arianna’s Random Thoughts, Interview with Linda Bacon, as part of “Profiles of Perseverance” series, Arianna Merritt.
- 6/5/12, LA Times, Exercise benefits black girls less than whites, study shows” series.
- 6/5/12, On Hold with Atchka!, Health at Every Size Research: An Interview with Linda Bacon, Atchka.
- 5/18/12, Voice America Health and Wellness,Talk Radio, Health at every size: the data against dieting and fat phobia, Carolyn Coker Ross.
- 5/16/12, Seattle Pi, Stigmatization Makes It Harder to Overcome Obesity, Timi Gustafson.
- 5/3/12, New York Times, Talking to a Child Who is Overweight, but Unaware, KJ Dell’Antonia.
- Spring 2012, Brain, Child, Weighing Down our Children, Dawn Friedman.
- April 2012, Bloomberg BNA, Texas Hospital’s Weight Policy for New Hires Draws Criticism, Raises Issues for Employers, Mary Anne Pazanowski.
- 2/12/12, The Times Magazine, But if I Eat This, Will I Fit Into My Jeans?, Louise Carpenter.
- February 2012, Glamour, Health Controversy: Can You Be Fat and Healthy?, Ginny Graves.
- 1/2/12, World News with Diane Sawyer (ABC), Controversial ads encourge overweight children to lose weight. Do ads go too far?, Diane Sawyer.
- 1/1/12, GI News, The scoop on putting health first in 2012, Emma Stirling.
- 12/28/11, WebMD, When Did ‘Skinny’ Become the New Ideal?, Janet Helm.
- 12/16/11, Cooking Light, Being More Mindful When You Eat, Janet Helm.
- 11/23/11, Daily Bee, Stuff the turkey then yourself, Kathy Hubbard.
- 11/23/11, California Medical Association, Holiday Eating, Greg Lucas.
- 10/15/11, Blog Talk Radio (GirlTalk with Marlo): Health At Every Size: Obesity is NOT a Health Crisis!, Marlo.
- 10/10/11, More Magazine: Fat? Who Cares! Why Weight Doesn’t Matter, an interview with Linda Bacon, Peter Jaret.
- October, 2011, Proud 2B Me: Should You Diet? an interview with Linda Bacon, Claire Mysko.
- 8/9/11, National Geographic: Health at Every Size: Live Healthy Without Dieting, Mary Schons.
- August, 2011, Prevention Magazine: The End of Dieting, Marjorie Ingall.
- 7/28/11, Best of You Today: Love Your Body At Every Size, You Have the Power to Make or Break a Healthy Self Image.
- 7/12/11, Finding Fullness: An Interview with Linda Bacon: Your Body Says, “Diet? What Diet?”, Kimber Simpkins.
- 7/1/11, Menta Magazine (Israel’s leading health magazine): Dr. Linda Bacon, a U.S. expert on nutrition, shatters the myths about obesity and diet, Yaffa Shir-Raz (Article in Hebrew).
- 5/26/11, ABC-3: Battle Workplace Weight Discrimination, David Kaufman.
- 5/13/11, Fitness at Every Size, Part One: Diets Don’t Work, Shaunta Grimes.
- 5/2/11, Center for Consumer Freedom: BMI Report Cards Receive Failing Grades.
- 5/1/11, Associated Press (picked up by 100+ media outlets): Amid ‘war on obesity,’ skeptics warn of stigma, David Crary.
- 4/14/11, NBC New York: New Yoga Studio for Plus-Size Clientele in Union Square.
- 4/12/11, New York Daily News: Teacher starts ‘plus-size’ yoga studio after he gets tired of ‘being the biggest person in the room’, Kathleen Lucadamo.
- 3/25/11, Khaleej Times: Am I too fat?, Oksana Tashakova.
- 3/9/11, New York Times: Health at Every Size?, Renee Michael.
- 3/1/11, Body Love Revolutionaries Telesummit: Health at Every Size: Weathering Resistance, Finding Strength, Golda Poretsky interviews Linda Bacon (approx 60 mins).
- 2/10/11, Chai FM radio: Changing the Weight Paradigm, Alicia Dorr.
- 2/3/11, Psych Central: Myths about Health at Every Size: Part 3 of an Interview with Linda Bacon, Margarita Tartakovsky.
- 2/2/11, The California Aggie: Study reveals flaws in weight-loss efforts, Michelle Murphy.
- 2/2/11, Psych Central: Is Obesity Really Killing Us? Part 2 of an Interview with Linda Bacon, Margarita Tartakovsky.
- 2/1/11, Psych Central: Speaking to America about Health at Every Size: Part 1 of an Interview with Linda Bacon, Margarita Tartakovsky.
- 2/1/11, KFBK Afternoon News: Dieting leads to weight gain and diminished health, Kitty O’Neill.
- 1/31/11, City Currents: Nutrition Expert Linda Bacon says Focus on Diets is Damaging.
- 1/26/11, KSRO NewsTalk 1350: Is Your Diet Making You Fat?, Curtiss Kim.
- 1/25/11, Davis Enterprise: Study: Focus on health, don’t fixate on weight, Cory Golden.
- 1/24/11, University of California, Davis: Weight-loss focus is ineffective and harmful, study suggests, Pat Bailey.
- 12/30/10, Articles Base: Health at Every Size, Cassidy Knowlton.
- 11/25/10, Chico News & Review: Weight wars: Nutrition expert says you can be fat but fit, Stacey Kennelly.
- 11/4/10, The Daily Beast: Fat Studies Goes to College, Eve Binder.
- 11/2/10, PB Pulse: Do Mike and Molly ‘gross’ you out? Marie Claire blogger faces backlash, Leslie Gray Streeter.
- 9/28/10, Yahoo (Associated Content): Children’s Health & Fitness: Tips from the Experts (see page 8), Len Saunders.
- 7/7/10, Daily Washington Post: Fashion: Full Figured Fashion Week draws plus-size crowd, Robin Givhan.
- 6/30/10, Daily Camera: When you don’t fit in with the fittest city in America, Aimee Heckel.
- 5/22/10, Growing Access: Letter to the First Lady, Beth Herz and others.
- 5/10/10, City Currents: Health/Weight Focus for City College Author (see page 5), Patricia Arack.
- 4/18/10, The Observer: Why ‘weight diversity’ activists are standing up for the right to be fat, Louise Carpenter.
- 4/15/10, Washington Post: Me … as I’m meant to be?, Linda Bacon.
- 4/13/10, AlterNet: Is Our Obsession with Weight Misguided? Here’s What Really Matters When It Comes to Good Health, Jill Richardson.
- 3/31/10, AOL: Be Healthy at Any Size (and Stop Worrying About the Scale), Sarah Treleaven interviews Linda Bacon.
- 3/22/10, KALW 91.7: Bay Area Residents Sound Off on the Health Care Bill.
- 3/15/10, New York Times: For Obese People, Prejudice in Plain Sight, Harriet Brown.
- 3/10, Skorch Magazine: Loving the Body You Have, Living the Life You Want, Shannon Russell.
- 2/24/10, New Media: Top Seven Fitness Myths, Rice Bank.
- 2/23/10, The View: The Great Weight Debate, Whoopi Goldberg.
- 2/23/10, ABC Nightline News: The Great Weight Debate: Is It OK to Be Fat? (text copy), Juju Chang and Eric Johnson.
- 2/23/10, Good Morning America: The Great Weight Debate: Is It OK to Be Fat?.
- 2/22/10, Newstalk 1350 KSRO Radio: Weight Discrimination on Airlines.
- 2/16/10, WVON Radio: Should heavier people be charged more for airline seats?, Santita Jackson.
- 2/16/10, BBC Radio (segment is from 1:24:00 to 1:32:00): Clerks director Kevin Smith reveals he was asked to get off a plane in the US because he was too big for the seats, Rod Sharp.
- 2/14/10, The Sunday Indian: The Big Debate [about size acceptance], Anu Gulmohar.
- 2/9/10, AOL Health: FDA Eyes Update on Food Labeling, Portion Sizes, Mary Beth Sammons.
- 2/1/10, Weightless (Psych Central): Why Health Matters and Size Shouldn’t: Q&A With Linda Bacon, Part Two, Margarita Tartakovsky.
- 1/29/10, Weightless (Psych Central): Why It’s Time To Change Our Thinking About Weight: Q&A With Linda Bacon, Part One, Margarita Tartakovsky.
- 1/19/10, Star Herald: Can you be fat and happy — and healthy?, Rick Willis.
- 1/14/10, It’s Your Health Radio, WUML 91.5 FM: Health at Every Size: What does it mean for you?, with host Lisa Davis.
- 1/13/10, FOX40 tv news: Regina Benjamin, Surgeon General to be: Too fat to be qualified?
- 1/12/10, The Washington Post: More experts, more advice for the New Year, Jennifer LaRue Huget.
- 1/03/10, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung: Fett – und sogar stolz darauf (I’m fat and even proud of it) – (in German), Katja Gelinsky.
- 12/29/09, AOL, That’s Fit: Best Health News You Didn’t Hear in 2009, Deborah Huso.
- 12/21/09, Womens’ E-News: For the Skinny on Air Brushing, Labels Recommended, Juliette Terzieff.
- 12/17/09, Chicago Free Press: Are we tipping the scales? Weighing in on the issue of lesbians and obesity, Amy Wooten.
- 12/12/09, K-TIP Radio: Body Talk with Mimi, Mimi Stoneburner.
- 12/5/09, Emotional Eating Secrets:How to Recover Your Sanity When Food’s Become a Four Letter Word: An Interview with Linda Bacon, Dr. Sharon Livingston.
- 11/30/09, El Pais newspaper: La hora del ‘orgullo gordo’. Las personas obesas de EE UU reclaman que no se les discrimine – Dicen que su persecución es comparable al racismo o la homofobia (in Spanish), David Adelante.
- 11/16/09, KUOW Seattle 94.9 (NPR – The Conversation with Ross Reynolds): Incentivizing Weight Loss.
- 11/11/09, WVON radio, The Santita Jackson Show: Fat Acceptance: Has the Time Come?
- 11/11/09, The Washington Post: It wouldn’t kill you to lose a few pounds – or would it?, Jennifer LaRue Huget.
- 11/11/09, The Washington Post: It wouldn’t kill you to lose a few pounds – or would it?, Jennifer LaRue Huget.
- 11/5/09, BBC World News Radio: Is Obesity-Cancer Link Fear-Mongering?
- 10/23/09, T Tyler Talks Radio show: The Truth About Weight Loss.
- 10/18/09, More Magazine: Health at Every Size, Jennifer Gruden.
- 10/16/09, iVillage: Not Only Skinny Models Destroy Our Self-Esteem, Plus-Size Models Do Too, Linda Vongkhamchanh.
- 10/12/09, LA Times: Do extra pounds always equal extra risk? Researchers say plenty of fat people are healthy, and plenty of thin people are unhealthy, Marnell Jameson.
- 10/12/09, LA Times: Diets? Not for these folks. Weary of counting calories, some overweight people have a new goal — to be happy and healthy, not thin, Marni Jameson.
- 10/9/09, Toronto’s Globe and Mail: We’re having a fat moment, Sarah Boesveld.
- 9/28/09, Denver Post: More experts say fit and big can happily coexist, Sheba R. Wheeler.
- 9/09, Diva Magazine: Fit and fat: could the diet dogma be wrong?, Louise Carolin.
- 8/31/09, MSNBC TV, Dr. Nancy:The War on Fat People, Nancy Snyderman.
- 8/27/09, Newsweek: Who says Americans are Too Fat, Daniel Heimpel.
- 8/26/09, Newsweek: America’s War on the Overweight, Kate Dailey and Abby Ellin.
- 8/5/09, The Sydney Morning Herald: Women Fight for Fat Acceptance.
- 8/3/09, NPR: The “Costs of Obesity: A discussion with Dr. William Dietz (Director of the Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity at the CDC), Linda Bacon, and others.” Follow this link for the follow-up letter that colleagues and I wrote to Dietz.
- 7/27/09, Contra Costa Times: Big Love: Large Women Celebrate Their Size, Jessica Yadegaran.
- 7/24/09, UC Davis Newswatch: Why Diets Don’t Work, Paul Pfotenhauer.
- 7/22/09, UC Davis Newswatch: UC Davis Nutritionist Advises: Save Your Money on Diet Books, Paul Pfotenhauer.
- 7/8/09, The WIP (Women’s International Perspective): “Fat Activists” Seek Law Banning Weight Discrimination, Mridu Khullar.
- 7/7/09, The Washington Post: It Wouldn’t Kill You to Lose a Few Pounds. Or Would It?, Jennifer LaRue Huget.